Kenya's ruling Jubilee Party said on Wednesday that it would not involve itself in the Msambweni by-election. The party said it was not going to field any candidate in the race for Member of Parliament of this constituency.
The Msambweni Constituency by-election is slated for December 15. The seat fell vacant following the death of Suleiman Dori in March. The ODM MP succumbed to cancer.
However, on Thursday Deputy President William was seen hosting at his residence Feisak Abdallah Bader an aspirant for the parliamentary seat of this constituency. Reports also indicate that Feisak turned up at Ruto's home accompanied by Members of Parliament from Coast region. No details of their meeting have been revealed yet.
Feisak was escorted by Nyali's Mohammed Ali, Kilifi North's Owen Mbaya, Lungalunga's Khatib Mwashetani, Lamu East's Athman Shariff and Malindi's Aisha Jumwa.
Although Jubillee party took a decision not to field any candidate for Msambweni constituency, Deputy President Ruto thought this was an unwise position for the party and said there was a need to unite the party.
'I was of a completely different view that the party fields a candidate in Msambweni. The decision has already been made and we want to make one decision as the party,' Ruto said.
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