Government in Rwf 11.7 billion debt recovery #rwanda #RwOT


The list of individuals owing debts to the Government is released tri-monthly. The latest released in November reports Rwf11.719.858.881 debts from 2416 people.

Among them, 365 individuals falling under the category of bribery cases owe Rwf1, 282,536,757 to the Government.

The category of public funds misallocation includes 620 owing Rwf8, 205,240,678 to the Government with the majority comprising of public servants, cooperative managers among others.

Ten individuals who lost court cases in commercial courts owe Rwf 163,736,520 to the Government while Rwf 31,897,969 are to be recovered from 37 people defeated in administrative court cases.

Among others, 23 individuals fined in other special cases are to pay Rwf147,361,677 while 1360‬ convicted for trafficking and abuse owe Rwf 1,889,085,280 to the Government.

The Minister of Justice and State's Attorney General, Busingye Johnston recently revealed that recovery systems are under updating process following an observation that some people are less concerned in clearing the debts.

During a recent press briefing, Busingye explained that people were reluctant to clear debts from lost court cases within the past five years thinking there is no ground for follow up.

'It took time to realize that it became a habit. We established a department to recover public funds in the Ministry, set guideline and started writing to people owing the money,' he said.

Busingye highlighted that people should be accountable and pay debts willingly.
'People wake up early to pay taxes to meet deadlines. No one calls them. We want to establish similar system,' he noted.


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