At 95.44% Security maintains lead in Rwanda Governance Scorecard rating #rwanda #RwOT


RGS is an independent annual publication of the RGB that seeks to gauge the state of governance in Rwanda, comprehensively assesses governance in using both primary and secondary data sources.

It is mainly designed to generate credible and reliable data on governance issues, serves as practical tool that drives policy reform in the domain of governance through the identification of areas for improvement and generates actionable recommendations and to contribute to current and authentic knowledge formation about Rwanda.

The launch of the 7th scorecard held today has been attended by various officials from private, public institutions, civil society organizations, higher learning institutions and research centers.

The research carried out was entrenched on eight pillars namely; :(1) Rule of Law, (2) Political Rights and Civil liberties, (3) Participation and Inclusiveness, (4) Safety and Security,(5) Investing in Human and Social Development, (6)Control of corruption, Transparency and Accountability, (7) Quality of service delivery,(8) Economic and corporate governance.

The pillar of Security came on top scoring 95,44% in 2020 from 94,29% of 2019, the Rule of Law performed at 87,86% from 84,70 % of last year, Political Rights and Civil liberties scored 85,76 % from 85,17 % while Participation and Inclusiveness got 81,96% from 73 % of last year.

The pillar of Investing in Human and Social Development scored 73,32% from 68,53%, Control of corruption, Transparency and Accountability got 86,28% from 84,28%, Quality of service delivery scored 78,31 % from 70,54 % while Economic and corporate governance scored 78,14% from 76,43% of last year.

The CEO of RGB, Dr. Usta Kayitesi thanked the Government of Rwanda for providing required resources for the production of this index and urged all sectors to improve in areas that still rate poorly.

At the official launch of Rwanda Governance Scorecard 7th Edition, Mr. Fode Ndiaye UN Resident Coordinator commended RGB for setting a good example of self-assessment in the framework of African Peer Review Mechanism.

The pillar of 'Investing in human and social capital' is the least performing. Among other areas that need improvement include education, social protection, poverty reduction and climate change resilience.

As for the pillar of Economic and corporate governance ranked 7th with 78.16, it was reported that more efforts are needed in creating off-farms jobs which still ranks at 56.4%.

The Minister in the Office of the Presidency, Judith Uwizeye who graced the event highlighted that Rwandans are the primary beneficiaries of Rwanda Governance Scorecard and assured commitment for the implementation of recommendations.

'We have the interest of generating data that tells us the truth that anybody else cannot tell us. Transformational Governance is a key pillar of National Strategy for Transformation (NST1). Thus, the Government of Rwanda is committed to implement the recommendations of this edition of Rwanda Governance Scorecard for the good of our citizens,' she said.

Safety and security has maintained the lead since the inception of RGS.

Safety and security has maintained the lead since the inception of RGS.


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