Unveiled: Rwanda Governance Scorecard 7th Edition #rwanda #RwOT


The 7th edition of the Rwanda Governance Scorecard (RGS) has been unveiled today at the Kigali Convention Centre.

The event is attended by officials from government institutions, private sector, Civil Society Organisatons, research and higher learning institutions, Development partners' agencies.

According to the Rwanda Governance Board, this 7th edition Scorecard is built on 8 pillars, 35 indicators and 136 variables. Its methodology builds on global indicators and relies on local data, including administrative data, perception and expert surveys.

'All the pillars recorded an improvement Compared to the previous edition. Safety and Security continues to lead with a score of 95.44%. Participation and Inclusiveness attained the highest improvement rate of 8.96%,' says RGB.

Details also indicate that Rule of Law ranked 2nd with 87.86% while, Fighting corruption, transparency and accountability ranked 3rd with 86.28%.

Political Rights and civil liberties ranked 4th with 85.76% and Participation and inclusiveness ranked 5th with 81.96%..

In another rating, the Quality of service delivery ranked 6th with 78.31%, with an improvement of 7.77% from 70.54% in the previous edition.

For Economic and corporate governance ranked 7th with 78.16%, Foreign trade and industrialization improved by 12.9%, yet efforts are needed in creating off-farms jobs which still ranks at 56.4%.

The findings in the report also show that Investing in human and social capital is the least performing with 73.32% from 68.52% in the previous edition. Areas that need improvement include education, social protection, poverty reduction and climate change resilience.

Dr. Usta Kaitesi CEO Rwanda Governance Board urged all sectors to improve in areas that still perform poorly.

At the ceremony, Fode Ndiaye the Resident Coordinator of UN-Rwanda commended the government of Rwanda for setting a good example of self-assessment in the framework of African Peer Review Mechanism.

What is this Scorecard?

The Rwanda Governance Scorecard (RGS) is an annual publication of the Rwanda Governance Board (RGB) that seeks to accurately gauge the state of governance in Rwanda.

The Scorecard is a comprehensive governance assessment tool constructed from data based on over 200 questions, which are structured based on a set of 8 indicators, 35 sub-indicators and 143 sub-sub-indicators. This initiative reflects a continued commitment to evidence-based policies and objective self-assessment in order to identify areas for improvement and drive policy reforms.

It has now become customary for Rwanda to produce evidence of its rapid economic development in various domains, including governance, to feed and inform a number of external comparative assessments.

A unique and significant aspect of the RGS vis-à-vis external assessments is that it utilizes a plethora of new, locally-generated data sources, such as citizen perception surveys and detailed institutional data, which are often not considered by external indexes.

The RGS thus seeks to meet the following objectives : To generate credible and reliable data on governance issues for national and international stakeholders ; To serve as a practical tool that will drive policy reform through the identification of areas for improvement and actionable recommendations ; To contribute to current knowledge about governance in Rwanda.

The post Unveiled: Rwanda Governance Scorecard 7th Edition appeared first on Taarifa Rwanda.

Source : https://taarifa.rw/unveiled-rwanda-governance-scorecard-7th-edition/

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