This was announced when Kicukiro District launched a week against gender-based violence in collaboration with Young Women's Christian, an organization that aims to promote women and girls and fight violence against them.
The Deputy Executive Director of Kicukiro District, Rukebanuka Adalbert, said that in this campaign against gender-based violence, they will focus on providing services to combat trauma and help children who have suffered from violence, and also receive justice.
"These days we had 34 children who were subjected to gender-based violence and had unplanned pregnancies and we are helping them return to school and helping those who cannot return to find capital to help them make a living and help them reach justice so that the perpetrators are brought to courts because their files have already been submitted to RIB" he said.
He added that in the Kicukiro District there is often sexual violence against children and that is why they have set up a service called "Friends of the Family" to help them find out the information so that the perpetrators can be brought to court.
The General Secretary of the Young Women's Christian Association, Prudentienne Uzamukunda, said that their goal is to end all gender-based violence.
"Some of the things we will focus on include making men understand about gender-based violence in order to know its consequences because we aim to fight and prevent gender-based violence" she said.
She added that they are helping more than 20 thousand girls in different areas of Rwanda, including victims of gender-based violence and others, and in this campaign they will also provide Isange One Stop Center services to the victims in order to help them.
A girl who got pregnant at the age of 16, said that it was the lust for things made her give birth prematurely due to the difficult life she was living.
"I gave birth when I was 16 years old because I was living a difficult life as an orphan, so the man cheated on me and robbed me of everything I needed' she said.
She managed to ask her fellow girls to refrain from lusting after things and enjoying the life they lived in so that they would not face the same dangers as she faced.
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